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When Wisdom is Achieved, There is no Return to Ignorance!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Thiruvarutpayan (திருவருட்பயன்) 


பதிமுது நிலை

ஆனா அறிவாய் அகலான் அடியவர்க்கு
வானாடர் காணாத மன். 7

Song as Romanized text


pathimuthu nilai

AnA aRivAy akalAn adiyavarkku
vAnAdar kANAtha man. 7

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 The Eternal, Who is not perceived by the celestials,
does not leave the devotees staying as the endless Wisdom!


1. AnA - unceasing; man - eternal.
2. God shiva is the True wisdom. 
That wisdom is blessed to the fully devoted.
Once such Wisdom is achieved, 
there is no return to the ignorance!

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