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Timeless Things

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Thiruvarutpayan (திருவருட்பயன்) 


அறியும் நெறி

ஏகன் அநேகன் இருள் கருமம் மாயை இரண்டு
ஆக இவை ஆறு ஆதியில் 52

Song as Romanized text

aRiyum neRi

Ekan an-Ekan iruL karumam mAyai iraNdu
Aka ivai ARu Athi il.  52

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 Unique (God), manifold (lives), darkness (Anava), karma,
two mayas (shuddha maya, ashuddha maya)
- these six do not have a beginning (timeless).



1. In the creation time is also a principle in the stack of 36 principles (tattvas). 
There are things that exist beyond the time principle.

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