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Resort to Lord Rudra when in Ailment; He is the Storehouse of Medicaments

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

तमु॑ ष्टुहि॒ यः स्वि॒षुः सु॒धन्वा॒ यॊ विश्व॑स्य॒ क्षय॑ति भॆष॒जस्य॑ ।
यक्ष्वा॑ म॒हॆ सौ॑मन॒साय॑ रु॒द्रं नमॊ॑भिर्दॆ॒वमसु॒॑रं दु॒वस्य ॥ ५.४२.११ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text


tamu ShTuhi yaH sviShuH sudhanvA yO vishvasya kShayati bhEShajasya |
yakShvA mahE saumanasAya rudraM namObhirdEvamasuraM duvasya || 5.42.11 ||

(tamu ShTuhi yaH sviShuH sudhanvA yO vishvasya kShayati bhEShajasya |
yakShvAmahE saumanasAya rudraM namObhir dEvam asuraM duvasya ||   )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 Praise the One, Who has swift arrows and strong bow,
Who is the holder of all vivid medicaments!
We worship for getting good mind
the Lord Rudra, the Divine, the Powerful, we celebrate!


1. sviShuH - having swift arrows; vishva - vivid/all; kShayati - abode; yakShvAmahE - we worship;
asura - Powerful; duvasya - celebrate.

2.  yO vishvasya kShayati bhEShajasya 
Lord Rudra is the storehouse of all medication. 
He is the auShadhinAm pati - Lord of all medicament;
He is the vaidyanAtha - Supreme Healer;
He is the bhavarOga vaidyanatha - Healer of the birth too!
Lord Shiva is the One to take refuge in for healing the ailment, whatever it be.

3.  yakShvAmahE saumanasAya rudraM 
We worship Lord Rudra for a good cheerful mind!
Lord Shiva not only heals the ailments of the body,
but also the residual karma in the mind.
Thus making the mind clean and cheerful!

4.  dEvam asuraM duvasya 
We celebrate the Divine and Powerful!
Here the Lord Shiva is hailed as both deva as well as asura!
These two words in puranic lore signifies two sects 
antagonistic to each other. However, the meaning of the
two words deva and asura are brilliant and powerful.
Both are attributes of the Supreme and hence the vedas
praise the Lord with both the ephitets.

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