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If Someone Claims to Know God Well, Then... - From Kenopanishad

From Kenopanishad

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Kena Upanishad

यदि मन्यसॆ सुवॆदॆति दभ्रमॆवापि नूनं त्वं वॆत्थ ब्रह्मनॊ रूपम् ।
यदस्य त्वं यदस्य दॆवॆष्वथ नु मीमांस्यमॆव तॆ मन्यॆ विदितम् ॥ १ ॥

Hymn as Romanized text


yadi manyasE suvEdEti dabhramEvApi nUnaM tvaM vEttha brahmanO rUpam |
yadasya tvaM yadasya dEvEShvatha nu mImAMsyamEva tE manyE viditam || 1 ||

(yadi manyasE suvEda iti dabhram Eva api nUnaM 
tvaM vEttha brahmanO rUpam yat asya, 
tvaM yat aasya dEvEShvatha nu mImAMsyamEva tE manyE viditam ||  )


Meaning of the Prayer Hymn:

 If you think, you know, (realize) even what you know well is little.
What you know as the form of All-pervading, 
what you know as divine,
you should inquire and ascertain.



1. manyasE - think; dabhram - little; nUnam - immediately;
mImAmsa - investigate; 

2.  सुवॆदॆति दभ्रमॆवापि 
If one says I know the all pervading God well,
that is because the person is not realizing 
the fact with the limited instruments of intellect
the Supreme cannot be understood.

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