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Hinduism Glossary of terms - P



A sweet mixture of cow's milk, curd, ghee (boiled butter), sugar and honey. (cardamom like nice smelling spices could also be added.)


In the above if the fruits like mango, jack, banana are added this fruit pa~nchamR^itam could be got

PadArtha An entity of category.
pa~nchagavyam The mixture of the cow's milk, curd, ghee, water and dung.
pa~nchAxara, panchAkshara Holy Five Letters (Syllables) ; The Mystic Mantra, formed out of Pranava and used by Saivas in Divine contemplation ; the mantra of Lord shiva held sacrad most by shaivites, five different forms there - most common being namaH shivAya andshivAya namaH
Pancakrtya The ceaseless five-fold act of Siva, viz. manifestation (srsti), maintenance of manifestation (sthiti), withdrawal of amnifestation(samhara), veiling of Self (vilaya); Grace (anugraha), or the five-fold act of abhasana, rakti, vimarsana, bijavasthapana, andvilapana
Panca mantra Isana, Tatpurusa, Sadyojata, Vamadeva, and Aghora
Pancaratra the philosophy of Vaisnavism, the follower of such philosophy
Pancaratrika followers of Pancaratra system.
Panca-sakti The five fundamental saktis (powers) of Siva, viz, Cit, Ananda, Iccha, Jnana, and Kriya
pApam Sin or Sinful acts ; acts tending to cause pain to sentient beings.
Para The Highest; the Absolute ; The Supreme.
Para pramata The highest experient; Parama Siva
Paramarsa Seizing mentally; experience; comprehension; remembrance
Paramartha The highest reality; essential truth; the highest goal.
Parama Siva The Highest Reality, the Absolute
paramAtma Supreme Self
Parananda In anava upaya the joy of the third stage that ensues by the practice of resting on prana and apana in uccara yoga
Parapara The intermediate stage, both identical and different; unity in diversity
parArtha (pUja) outward / social (worship)
Parasakti The Highest Sakti of the Divine; Citi; Paravak
parashu axe
Paravak The vibratory movement of the Divine Mind that brings about manifestations; Logos; Cosmic Ideation.
Paricchinna limited
Parinama Transformation
ParipUranam Omnipresence.
parivAra devata retinue of the main deity in a temple
Pasa A bond or fetters or impurity or darkness ; Bondage
pAsham (pAcham) bond, impurities (ANavam, kanmam, mAyai) which bind the pashu
pashu (pachu) creature, any life, all of us - any living being
Pasu The empirical individual bound by avidya or spiritual nescience
Pasu matarah Mahesvari and other associated saktis active in the various letters, controlling the life of the empirical selves.
Pasyanti The divine view in undifferentiated form; Vak sakti, going forth as seeing, ready to create in which there is no difference between vacya (object) and vacaka (word).
pati (pathi) The Lord, Siva Supreme, Master, Eternal; The experient of Suddha adhva; the liberated individual
PathignAna Sivagnana.
Pati-dasa the status of the highest experient; the state of liberation
Paurusa ajnana The innate ignorance of Purusa regarding his real Self.
Paurusa jnana Knowledge of one's Siva nature after the ignorance of one's real Self has been eliminated.
Pidhana Krtya The act of Self-veiling; same as vilaya
pradaxiNa, pradakshiNa circumambulation, coming around (a deity) taking right turns
PillayAr The Divine Child ; God Ganesha.
PillaiyAr Suli The Symbol of Ganesha ; Pranava.
Prakasa Lit. light; the principle of Self-revelation; consciousness; the principle by which every thing else is known.
Prakrti or Pradhana The source of objectivity from buddhi down to earth
Pralaya Dissolution of manifestation
Pralayakala or Pralayakevali One resting in Mayatattva, not cognizant of anything; cognizant of sunya or void only.
Pralaya Kalars Souls with the fetters of Karma Mala and Anava Mala.
Prama Exact knowledge
Pramana Mode of Proof ; Proof ; Knowledge; means of knowledge
Pramata the knower; subject; experient
Pramatrta knowership
Prameya Known; object of knowledge; object
Prana Generic name for the vital power; vital energy; life energy; specifically it is the vital vayu in expiration.
Pranamayakosa The vital sheath
Pranana the animating principle, the principle of all the pranas
Prana-pramata The subject considering prana to be the Self
Prana-bija The letter 'ha'
Pranasakti Vital energy; bioplasma
praNava Om
PranavAyu The breath of Life as distinct from the Soul. Yet, ludicrously enough some Missionaries and Oriental Scholars think that we mistake the breath for the Soul and that we have no idea of the Soul !
Pranayama Breath control
Prapancha The universe ; Jagat ; the seen universe.
Prarabdha karma Action done in a previous life which had begun to bear fruit in the present life.
Prasada The mantra Sauh
Prasara Expansion; manifestation of Siva in the form of the universe through His sakti
Prath To expand; unfold; appear; shine
Pratha The mode of appearance
Pratibha (1) Ever creative acitivity of consciousness; (2) The spontaneous Supreme I-consciousness; (3) Para Sakti
Pratimilana Both nimilana and unmilana i.e. turning of the consciousness both within i.e into Siva and outside i.e. the Sakti of Siva, experience of divinity both within and outside.
pratyAhara drawing back, withholding (from material ties) (1) Comprehension of several letters into one syllable effected by combining the first letter of a sutra with its final indicatory letter. (2) In yoga, withdrawal of the senses from their objects.
Pratyavamarsa Self-recognition
Prabuddha One greatly awakened to the higher spiritual consciousness
Pratyabhijna Recognition
prANAyAma breath control/exercise
prAyashchittam atonement, expiation
Prithivi The earth tattva
Pumstattva or Purusa tattva Pasu pramata; jiva, the empirical Self
Puja Worship ; contemplation.
purANa religious legend (There are eighteen in number)
Purna perfect; full of divine consciousness
Purnatva Perfection
Purnahanta The perfect I-consciousness; non-relational I-consciousness.
Purusa the Self ; The Soul.
Puryastaka Lit., the city of the group of eight i.e the five tanmatras, buddhi, ahamkara and manas; the suksma sarira (subtle body)
puruShArtha objectives of human, four in number - dharma, artha, kAma, moxa
pUja worship
puShkariNi pond, temple tank

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