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The Dance That Awakens Us!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Sekkizhar 

Twelfth Thirumurai


சேக்கிழார் அருளிச் செய்த திருத்தொண்டர்புராணம்
பன்னிரண்டாம் திருமுறை
தில்லைவாழந்தணர் புராணம்


ஆதியாய் நடுவுமாகி அளவிலா அளவுமாகிச்
சோதியாய் உணர்வுமாகித் தோன்றிய பொருளுமாகிப்
பேதியா ஏகமாகிப் பெண்ணுமாய் ஆணுமாகிப்
போதியா நிற்கும் தில்லைப் பொதுநடம் போற்றி போற்றி!


Song as Romanized text


Sekkizhar aruliya Thiruthondar Puranam
Twelfth Thirumurai
Thillaivazandhanar puranam


AdhiyAy n-aDuvumAki aLavilA aLavumAkich
chOthiyAy uNarvumAkith thOnRiya poruLumAkip
pEdhiyA EkamAkip peNNumAy ANumAkip
pOthiyA n-iRkum thillaip podhun-aDam pORRi pORRi!


Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 Reverence! Reverence to the awakening Dance at the common hall of Thillai,
that is the beginning, the sustenance, the immeasurable in grandeur,
the splendid, in the experience, in the creations, 
the One that is continuous in everything without any discontinuity,
the feminine as well as masculine!


1. At the starting of saying the glory of the Dikshitas of Thillai
or Chidambaram, Sekkizhar praises the Holy Dance of Lord Nataraja,
at whose feet this great epic was made public by him.

2.  பேதியா ஏகமாகி 
One without any discontinuity.
God is present in a continuum across everything - animate and inanimate.
There is no break at all in His presence. The Holy upanishad declares
ईशावास्यम् इदम् सर्वम्  यत् किञ्चित् जगत्याम् जगत् - ईशावास्य उपनिष
The dance of the Lord Nataraja is happening in every minuscule of this creation.

3.  போதியா நிற்கும் தில்லைப் பொதுநடம் 
The dance of the Lord is the dance of wisdom.
That dance teaches us and awakens us!

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